woohoo! miss canada, natalie glebova, was crowned miss universe last night beating out 4 latin americans (the usual winners)! russian glebova not only represents canada, but she gives a shout out to ryerson university in toronto where she studies I.T. (not the typical nerd). on a side note, miss u.s.a. won the most absurd walk category.
now this is what I like to see. She didnt brag about entering Miss. Universe (Ryerson never found out until they saw her on T.V)...she is only 23 and graduated as an honors student in the second hardest program at Ryerson and is very well spoken. Shes brain and beauty which in this vain world is a nice combo to see in a really long time. Way to go Canada....and this isnt new since Canada is the largest export of Models, next to Brazil. She must do us all proud!
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