you heard it here first. chris martin's filing for divorce and dating this girl...she wishes. haha. sorry bren. this is from about a month ago when my friend ran after chris in birmingham michigan where he was staying at the townsend hotel (as they all do when in town for a show). she says he was ever so kind and funny. a match made in heaven if you ask me.
i'm beyond jealous... u know how much i love him. minus his krusty the klown hair. and i would never settle for "moses" as my kid's name.
He's beginning to look at bit like Moses himself.
his hair is breathing!
...from what I heard it was actually Chris Martin who got to meet Brenda.
I feel like I am the celebrity!! What can I say, people just tend to flock to me. He seriously was the boo!!!
Rumour has it that the celeb dish author had moved on to bigger and better things...
Obviously us fans mean nothing...
I'm in celeb dish withdrawal!!!!!
what the hell happened tal? I need my celebdish!!
whats up with celeb dish yo? is this some form of cruel and unusual punishment?
I'm VERY UPSET!!! yet I keep checking in hopes for a new entry ......
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