i'm touched by the outpour (3 people) of demands to continue this site. the thing is, i started a new job, which leaves me with little time for the wonderful world of celebs. sad, but true. i know, what kind of a life is a life without celebs? it's just, i'm infront of a computer all day, and the last thing i want to do when i get home is get on a computer. so, i've decided i'll post whenever i can. which can mean anything. sorry :( so my latest is BFTP (blast from the past). no, you're not looking at stephanie an dj tanner. this my friends is ashlee and jessica simpson avant plastic surge and fame. it's not a stretch when i say ashlee and i could've past as twins back then. except for the fact that my teeth were even even more jacked, and my brows were the epitomy of armenian.
It's so good to have you back...
One of the three
BFTP, I luv you, I thought you went to Nambia for the birth, welcome back Cotter!!!
i'll take anything you give us Tal...i needddddd celebdish in my life...thanks for the BFTP!!!
welcome back tal! hilarious, at first glance I thought it was stephanie and dj too. ashlee and I could definitely have been hair twins for sure - remember those rockin bangs I had? yikes. what's up with the matching dresses? see you friday? christine.
I'm boycotting Celeb Dish. Right when we thought you were back in the game. Hands down, biggest tease and let down ever!
I agree, this is outrageous!
so i figured we would get a post at least once a month!! but im very upset! i can not keep checking the site only to get a HUGE let down! :(
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