leo has a special place in my heart after he came to the rescue of a wheelchair-bound fan at a madonna concert. clueless morons rushed the stage and almost knocked the guy over and left him with no view of the show. the assholes wouldn't move, and an even bigger asshole (security guard) had the nerve to tell him to move. at that point, leo came over and said, "why don't you come sit with me". and off to the vip section they went.
Touching story I must say so myself.
Thank god you are back. I was going through celebdish withdrawl.
Come on, no picture!
chillax! the image upload was down :)
yeah for leo! nice to know that there are good people in this world, a celeb no less!
welcome back tal, keep 'em coming!
I must admit i was going to delete celebdish off my favs list - but now that i got a fix on my much needed celebdish gossip you can stay on...
Rox (your cousin
Deep down in my shallow star fucking heart... I have always thought Leo was a dick wad, thanks to celebdish I no longer feel that way. Please excuse the profanity)I'm proud of you Leo!
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