Friday, November 10, 2006

"Sex And The City changed everything for me because those girls would just sleep with so many people. And that's me. I'm not dating just one person. It is the variety of partners everyone likes, especially at my age. I'm like Angelina Jolie, taking on lovers. I don't need a steady relationship. I mean if the sex is bad, the relationship's not going anywhere. Anyway, I don't even think I have had my best kiss yet. I have only been in love once and that was with Wilmer. But the timing was bad. And there were all these girls around. He would flirt and I couldn't handle that. I couldn't trust him. My mum's going to kill me for talking about sleeping with people - but if I'm going to give my body to someone, I'd rather them not be with other people. It's very old-fashioned. The guys I am really attracted to now don't drink, don't smoke and don't do anything else."